Thursday, 11 November 2010

What are the most secular countries in Europe?

Where does the UK fall in a list of Europe's most secular nations?

The Nova Research Centre, a Christian research organisation focusing on mission in Europe, has released an "Index of European Secularity". Printed in their quarterly newsletter Vista, this list  is based on the answers to five questions in the European Values Study (which describes itself as "the most comprehensive research project on human values in Europe") comparing attitudes in 20 major European countries:
1. Do you believe in God?
2. How important is religion in your life?
3. Independently of whether you go to church or not, would you say you are religious, not religious or a convinced atheist?
4. Apart from weddings, funerals and christenings, how often do you attend religious services?
5. How much confidence do you have in the church?

Well I have kept you waiting long enough for the answer. The UK comes fourth, after the Czech Republic, Germany and France.

Here is their full list is with the most secular countries at the top:
1 Czech R.
2 Germany
3 France
4 UK
5 Belgium
6 Finland
7 Spain
8 Hungary
9 Netherlands
10 Denmark
11 Bulgaria
12 Albania
13 Russian Fed.
14 Croatia
15 Ireland
16 Italy
17 Portugal
18 Greece
19 Poland
20 Romania


  1. earlier archived versions of vista can be found at These include a focus on Islam in Europe and an earlier edition looking at migration in Europe.

  2. Do you even know what secular means? None of those questions have much if anything to do with secularism.
