Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Big numbers, little numbers

The current population of the UK is nearly 62 million.That's a big number.

I recently ran across some research (I believe by Peter Brierley) that says if you add up all the evangelicals in the UK you only get 1,266,400 people. That is, by comparison to the population of the UK, a little number.

Is that really bad news? That got me thinking. 

Some networking "experts" say that the average person has about 200 relationships. If you are an optimistic person you can think about it as the number of people who would want to show up at your wedding. If you are more pessimistic, think of it as those who would want to attend your funeral.

If there is one evangelical for every 50 people in the UK (that is 62 million divided by 1.27 million), then a lot of people in the UK actually know more than one Christian! 

If those of us who know Jesus are just willing to be salt and light to those who know us, a lot of the country would be lighter and saltier by the end of the week.

Go for it! There ARE enough of us to make a difference. Little numbers can reach the big numbers.


  1. Wasn't my paper. It was, I think, from Peter Brierley.

  2. Thanks. I will update the post now.
