Over coffee this morning I was looking at the number of evangelical Christians in Europe according to Operation World.
I was a bit shocked to discover that there are 24 countries in Europe whose populations are less than 1% evangelical! Some of those on the list are Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Poland and Spain. So we aren't talking just tiny countries you couldn't find on a map.
Of those 24 nations, 11 are less than 0.2% evangelical!!
When I compared the total evangelical population of Europe to other continents I discovered that it has the lowest evangelical % of population of ANY continent (except Antarctica for which Operation World doesn't provide data). Africa, for example, has an evangelical % of population that is six times that of Europe.
No wonder one of the ECM missionaries preparing to work here in the UK is from Nigeria and Brazilian missionaries are coming to work in Spain.
One last figure to share, not from Operation World. We need to remember that God loves 100% of the people in Europe. We just still need to help most of them meet him.
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