Friday, 28 January 2011

What does it mean to be an "Evangelical" in the UK today?

If you have ever wondered what it actually means to be an "Evangelical" Christian in the UK today, here's a GREAT resource for you.

The Evangelical Alliance and Christian Research have just released some insightful research that they call "A snapshot of the beliefs and habits of evangelical Christians in the UK". Complete with easy to understand charts and insights by Christian leaders such as Derek Tidball, Elaine Storkey and Roger Forster, it deals with topics as diverse as Bible reading and assisted suicide, giving and abortion, women in leadership and miracles.

Well worth a look and available free online at

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Church planting in... the Balkans?

Recently I was in Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia meeting people involved in church planting. It is pretty challenging. There could be almost as many evangelical Christians in my church as there are in all of Bosnia! But some exciting stuff is going on, with more to come. Watch this to find out more...

Monday, 24 January 2011

Saturday night in Austria

What is there to do on a Saturday night in Austria? I visited a town where churches are ministering to young people out clubbing...