"Just after the First World War, an Anglican diocese was established in Lagos in Nigeria. Ninety-one years later, it has become the largest active Protestant church body in the world.
"Much of the growth of the Anglican Church of Nigeria, however, occurred during the last two decades.
"From 24 dioceses in 1988, the church has grown to 156 dioceses. Every Sunday, the Church of Nigeria gathers 20 million people in worship of Jesus Christ." (Christian Today, 15 June 2010)
"Protestant churches in Hong Kong are blooming with an annual growth rate 6.2% over the last five years and the number of Protestants in the former British colony drawing close to 300,000." (Christian Today, 1 June 2010)
Wouldn't it be great to see this kind of explosive church growth in Europe? We serve the same God. Let's keep praying for it!